Healthy Weight Lose Custom Keto Diet

Would You Like to Know Exactly What to Eat to Lose Fat

Get Healthy Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods or Starving Yourself ?

If you're serious about achieving permanent fat loss and a complete health transformation while eating your favorite foods every meal… I invite you to read this page.

How I lost 30 lbs in 2-months

Let’s face it, losing weight is HARD. We all have our reason why we want to lose weight whether it be for bikini season, health reasons or just overall feeling good, your WHY is important and unique to you.

I’ve lived this and struggled with my weight and body image after having kids and I tried it all. I found myself fasting, on weight watchers, eating only health shakes, starving myself, over exercising and restricting myself to where I was MISERABLE. I remember saying to myself, “I’d rather be overweight and happy than be restricted and thin, but miserable”. I felt defeated, unwell and like it would never change. This was all until I FINALLY found the diet that worked for me… a Ketogenic diet.

In this blog, I want to share this vital information that made a Keto diet my best decision yet and helped me shed those pesky 30 lbs in just 2 months! Here is what I will be covering:

So if you have found yourself in the same boat with trying it all and NOTHING working…

I urge you to give a KETO DIET a try and change your life for the better like I did!

How I Lost 30 lbs in just 2 months

How I Lost 30 lbs in just 2 months

I’ve always been considered tiny, but mighty. I’m a short woman at only 5’3” (on a good day) and I have always been thin and athletic. It came naturally and effortlessly until I had my 3 kids and as a woman, we all know our bodies change.

Our hips and thighs get wider, the belly bloat is a waist killer and it’s tough to take care of ourselves while caring for everyone else. This is where my story with weight loss begins. I was 35 lbs above my average and I desperately tried it all to lose it. Every diet, every exercise program… like truly,

I tried it all. I restricted myself so much (and in unhealthy ways) that I was not only still overweight but even more miserable than ever. I had fatigue, poor self-esteem, increased anxiety and depression and overall I just felt so BLAH.

This is where the research began. I had heard about keto, but didn’t know much about it and honestly I feel like it got a bad rap, which is what originally kept me from trying it in the first place.

Once I looked into how the diet works and the science behind it all, I felt more comfortable and decided to give it a try and I am SO glad that I did. After a lot of time, organization, meal prepping and diet plan creating I got started on this journey and never looked back.

I lost the weight and saw massive improvements in my energy, self-esteem, body image, anxiety and depression and I want this for YOU too!

Here is the simple facts, tactics and customized meal plan tips I have to offer, I’m excited for you to start this journey and make this a reality for you too!

How I Lost 30 lbs in just 2 months

Keto focuses on 2 things, carbohydrates and fat. Usually your body uses carbohydrates for energy and your insulin levels fluctuate frequently causing hunger alerts and those dreaded cravings. In Keto, you limit your carbohydrates drastically, down to 25-50 grams of net carbohydrates a day.

When carbohydrates are so limited, the body goes into a form of “starvation” aka Ketosis and starts utilizing body fat instead of carbs for energy causing ketones. This form of energy usage maintains insulin levels, drastically reducing cravings and feelings of hunger.

Weirdly enough, in order to utilize more fat stores in the body, you need to consume more fat. Seems counterproductive, but trust me, increased fat intake is truly the magic behind this diet. This is where the accelerated fat burning begins and the results are quickly seen.

How I Lost 30 lbs in just 2 months

What you can eat on a keto diet

How I Lost 30 lbs in just 2 months

When it comes to foods you can eat on a keto diet, you really just need to be carb conscious. This means stay away from things like potatoes, bread, pasta or anything with sugar and added sugar.

Look out for hidden sugar in things like ketchup, salad dressings, sauces and certain fruits. Here is a list of many of the things that are a go-to while on the keto diet:

·      Meats: bacon, beef, beef jerky, chicken, duck, cod, lobster, pork, turkey, salmon, shrimp and tuna

·      Fruit: Avocado, Berries (black berries, blue berries, raspberries, and strawberries), coconut, lime, and lemon

·      Vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, lettuce, peppers, green beans and spinach.

·      Fats: avocado oil, butter, coconut oil, ghee, MCT oil and olive oil.

·      Nuts and seeds: almonds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pecans, sunflower seeds and walnuts

·      Dairy: butter, eggs, and heavy cream

·      Flour: almond flour and coconut flour

·      Sugar substitutes: Stevia and erythritol

With all of these diet changes, be sure to also drink LOTS of water. Water should be your main intake while on this diet to avoid kidney stones or dehydration due to the different way your body is now producing energy.

The significance of macros

When it comes to foods you

The usual goal of a keto diet is comprised of calories from 70-80% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbs. These are what you want to shoot for in order to fuel your body for the best fat burning.

I personally keep track with the app Carb Manager which makes it super simple and easy to keep track of my intake for the day. It also has a chart that shows my percentages of fats, carbs and protein for the day so I always know how I’m doing and can adjust my next meal or snack as needed.

Plus if you subscribe to their premium membership, there are TONS of recipes specific to keto on the app.

Keto diet experience

December- BEFORE
February- AFTER

As much as I love the keto diet and how it makes me feel now, it has not all been rainbows and butterflies! I will warn you about days 1-3 and the dreaded “keto flu”.

Keto flu feels exactly how it sounds… like you have the flu. You’re tired, brain fog, headaches and body aches. This is where most people tap out and don’t continue with the diet and it frustrates me so much every time I hear of someone that stopped the diet because of their keto flu symptoms.

I swear, after the first 3 days, you literally wake up and feel like a million bucks. I had the most energy I had in years, my skin was radiant and my concentration was the best its ever been.

You just have to make it through those couple days and I promise you wont regret it. Unfortunately, those symptoms are basically your body “detoxing” from the harmful carbs and sugars you had been putting into it.

It’s an adjustment period and totally doable if you just stick it out. Usually an increase in sodium intake will help reduce these symptoms such as having a cup of bone broth.

Once I made it through those first couple days, as I said, I felt amazing each and every day after that. I never experienced those symptoms again. I also had a drastic reduction in water retention which was evident in my reduced belly bloat and finger swelling.

That first week I lost 7 lbs, which I’m sure was all water weight but I was happy to see it go! After that I only weighed myself every week (you’ll drive yourself crazy weighing yourself any more than that) and each week I saw at least 3 lbs off after that first initial week.

By the 6th week, I had gone from 145 lbs to 115 lbs which was right around my normal weight before the weight gain and qualified me for a healthy BMI range. Additionally, my hemoglobin A1C decreased and my lipid profiles (cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides) improved greatly. Here are some more of my progress pics!

How to Make a Custom Keto Diet Plan for YOU

Ok enough about me… how are we going to help YOU achieve these results? Everyone is different and your dietary needs could be drastically different from mine so a unique plan is vital to your success. I tried compiling a plan of keto meals and snacks by myself and wasted many hours, upon days trying to figure out macros and still didn’t achieve an appropriate diet plan specific to me. That was until I found Custom Keto Diet. I answered a couple questions regarding my gender, activity level, age, height/weight, and desired weight and it designed a specific plan just for me.

It even gave me the ability to pick which foods I like to eat, so it won’t just be a diet plan of stuff you don’t eat or like. Seriously, it’s so simple and helpful!

So if you’re looking for a plan that will FINALLY help you achieve your weight loss and health goals, take this quiz and receive your own custom diet plan to get all the tools you need in order to make this dream a reality for you!

The keto diet with a custom meal plan changed my life and gave me so much more when it comes to my mental and physical health. I’ve felt better than ever and live my best life free of harsh restrictions in order to maintain my goals. The way this diet helped me control hunger and cravings as well as give me so much energy was exactly what I needed!

I assume you want this too or you wouldn’t have clicked on this link in the first place! Do yourself a favor and get yourself this custom diet plan and get your best results yet! Just Click HERE to get started on the journey to the best version of YOU!

Not sure? That’s ok! They have a trial offer going on right now for $1 so you can try it out and see what you think for yourself all while getting some free keto recipes! Click HERE for this exclusive offer!

Build Your Plan Today, And Start Losing Weight FAST,

By Only Eating Food You Actually Enjoy

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